Dlouhé loučení (soundtrack - CD) The Long Goodbye

Kód: QR185
585 Kč 483 Kč bez DPH
Skladem (2 ks)
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Soundtrack z filmu Dlouhé loučení - The Long Goodbye. Skladatel John Williams.

1. The Long Goodbye - John Williams [3:07]
2. The Long Goodbye - Clyde King [4:35]
3. The Long Goodbye - Dave Grusin [5:02]
4. The Long Goodbye - Jack Sheldon [3:32]
5. The Long Goodbye - Dave Grusin [4:33]
6. The Long Goodbye (tango) [2:30]
7. The Long Goodbye - Irene Kral / Dave Grusin [3:11]
8. The Long Goodbye (mariachi) [2:04]
9. Marlowe in Mexico [3:37]
10. Main Title Montage [0:58]
11. Night Talk [2:08]
12. The Border [0:34]
13. Love Theme drom the Long Goodbye [1:58]
14. The Long Goodbye (sitar) [1:02]
15. Guitar Nostalgia [1:01]
16. The Mexican Funeral [2:31]
17. Finale [1:08]
18. Clydie King Adlibs Rehearsal [8:25]
19. Jack Riley and Ensemble Rehearsal [1:39]
20. Violin Rehearsal [2:06]

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